NEWS ... more also on Twitter
2nd Meeting of the 2nd funding period of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Rostock with all PIs and students.
2nd Meeting of the 2nd funding period of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Rostock with all PIs and students.
1st Meeting of the 2nd funding period of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Jena with all PIs and students.
1st Meeting of the 2nd funding period of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Jena with all PIs and students.
The 2nd funding period of the PP 2102 has started with 12 scientific projects.
The 2nd funding period of the PP 2102 has started with 12 scientific projects.
The Priority Program 2102 LCRMC has been highlighted in der Zeitschrift der Deutschen Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 06/2021.
The Priority Program 2102 LCRMC has been highlighted in der Zeitschrift der Deutschen Bunsengesellschaft für physikalische Chemie 06/2021.
The selection colloquium will be held in an online format on Sept. 22nd - 24th 2021.
The selection colloquium will be held in an online format on Sept. 22nd - 24th 2021.
The 2ndcall for proposals PP 2102 LCRMC is now released. In case you are interested in applying, please contact the coordinator Katja Heinze.
The 2ndcall for proposals PP 2102 LCRMC is now released. In case you are interested in applying, please contact the coordinator Katja Heinze.
U. Schubert and A. Winter are guest editing a special issue in Molecules with the topic „Recent developments in the supramolecular chemistry of terpyridine-metal complexes“ and SPP participants are cordially invited to contribute.
U. Schubert and A. Winter are guest editing a special issue in Molecules with the topic „Recent developments in the supramolecular chemistry of terpyridine-metal complexes“ and SPP participants are cordially invited to contribute.
3rd (Virtual) Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Leipzig with all PIs and students
3rd (Virtual) Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Leipzig with all PIs and students
2nd Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Düsseldorf with all PIs and students
2nd Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Düsseldorf with all PIs and students
1st Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Bonn with all PIs and students
1st Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Bonn with all PIs and students
Kick-Off Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Mainz with all PIs and students
Kick-Off Meeting of the SPP 2102 LCRMC in Mainz with all PIs and students
PhD position (3 years) in the group of Prof. Ulrich Schubert available. For details contact Andreas Winter.
PhD position (3 years) in the group of Prof. Ulrich Schubert available. For details contact Andreas Winter.
PhD position (3 years) in the group of Prof. Ulrich Schatzschneider available. For details contact Prof. Schatzschneider.
PhD position (3 years) in the group of Prof. Ulrich Schatzschneider available. For details contact Prof. Schatzschneider.
The review colloquium took place on Feb, 28th and March, 1st 2018 in Mainz and 18 scientific projects were approved for funding.
The review colloquium took place on Feb, 28th and March, 1st 2018 in Mainz and 18 scientific projects were approved for funding.
The Priority Program 2102 LCRMC has been highlighted in Photonik 03/2017.
The Priority Program 2102 LCRMC has been highlighted in Photonik 03/2017.
The call for proposals PP 2102 LCRMC is now released. In case you are interested in applying, please contact the coordinator Katja Heinze.
The call for proposals PP 2102 LCRMC is now released. In case you are interested in applying, please contact the coordinator Katja Heinze.
The DFG funds 17 new Priority Programs. The Priority Program "Light controlled reactivity of metal complexes" has been initiated by and will be coordinated by Katja Heinze. The projects are supposed to start in 2018.
The DFG funds 17 new Priority Programs. The Priority Program "Light controlled reactivity of metal complexes" has been initiated by and will be coordinated by Katja Heinze. The projects are supposed to start in 2018.